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Enlargement of an industrial building to a multiple-storey building (Lovere – Italy)

The intervention concerned the complete over-elevation of approx.. 4 meters of the entire building ceiling at the Lucchini plant in Lovere (Italy). The works first involved the reinforcement of the ground structures carried out by enlarging the foundation plinths; then the elevation pillars were coated with reinforced concrete tailored on the existing elements.


We then proceeded to demolish the existing roof and install the new sheet metal roof on a steel structure. The works involved the existing building for 230 ml corresponding to 13 spans

The intervention was completed with the construction of new elements necessary for the installation of the new plant such as the extension of the building with prefabricated reinforced concrete structure, construction of the hydraulic and electric cabin for the transformers and the realization of the control and command unit.

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The intervention was completed with the construction of new elements necessary for the installation of the new plant such as the extension of the building with prefabricated reinforced concrete structure, construction of the hydraulic and electric cabin for the transformers and the realization of the control and command unit.